About us

Interflora Pacific Unit Ltd is proud to be a New Zealand Cooperative Company, owned and operated by our member florists. You can contact us at our Headquarters located in Christchurch or visit our member florists who are operating retail studios in towns around New Zealand. Click here for locations.

The business of Interflora is the 24 hour delivery of flower orders throughout the world.

Interflora covers 150 countries with almost 40,000 florists and handles around 75 orders every minute with an annual turnover of $2 billion

Interflora Pacific Unit was established in New Zealand in 1935 when it held its first meeting in Wellington. It is linked to Interflora Incorporated now based in Chicago, U.S.A., which was established in 1946 to link Interflora British Unit (formed 1923), Fleurop, Europe (1927) and F.T.D. U.S.A. (1910).

Interflora Pacific Unit Limited was formed in New Zealand in 1952 and is a Co-operative Company registered in New Zealand under the Co-operative Companies Act 1996. It is owned by its member florists, currently 200 in New Zealand and 120 overseas members in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Macau, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Tonga, Vietnam and Samoa.

Interflora’s registered office is 22 Foster Street Addington, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand.

Our mission statement is to provide, promote and support constant excellence and a reliable member service network that meets the needs of the public for the gathering, transmission and delivery of floral orders and related gift items within New Zealand and worldwide.

We are proud to be a member of the New Zealand Co-operatives Association.

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